BLFC: Curse of Coeurasa

Reno, NV | May 16-19, 2019

Eramus Okuma. A very well versed and highly revered wizard, and the seventh generation of Headmaster of The Order.

Biggest Little Dance Battle 2019 Rules

What is it?

A dance battle competition that consists of individuals dancing off against each other in successive knockout rounds. The winners of each round will advance to the next round until only one victor remains!
Performance is rated by a panel of judges. There are two divisions – one for people wearing fursuits and one for non-costumed performers.

Dance Battle Rules


For fursuiters

Your costume must consist of a head, hand paws, feet paws & tail (when species appropriate), at minimum. Full suits are highly encouraged. “Happy feet” costume shoes are acceptable footwear.
If the dancer is performing in a partial suit, all skin must be covered.

For non-costumed performers

Attire should be that which is permitted by the convention and venue. Please don’t wear clothing with explicitly vulgar/profane writing or imagery. You will be dancing, so dress to move!
Loose accessories which might be lost during your performance, such as rings, necklaces and lanyards, should be removed before performing.


Contestants under 16 must have parental permission and a parent in attendance for the event. Age policies for the convention must be adhered to.
Parental Disclaimer: The organizers of this event aim for a “PG-13” rating and want you to know that this is a dance battle, which means it is potentially a bit more competitive by nature. However, we forbid any explicit/profane behavior or clothing and encourage good sportsmanship as well as a supportive environment for the participants.

If you were placed on the waitlist, be prepared to dance–you may be called upon to take the floor suddenly and at any time! Arrive at least by roll call (usually 30 mins before the event) and preferably at the call time! Roll-call will be taken and anyone not present will be replaced with those on the waitlist at that time.

This is a dance battle, but it is meant to be fun and spirited, so cheer on your fellow dancers and show good sportsmanship! See you there!