BLFC: Curse of Coeurasa

Reno, NV | May 16-19, 2019

Closer inspection of the Dragon's Teeth reveals a patterned surface made of countless thin columns, smooth to the touch, faceted together to form the walls of the structure.

Dance Comp. Application

Applications must be submitted by May 8th.

How to Compete





Signup Now, until May 8th
Auditions TBD (probably Friday)
Competition TBD (probably Saturday). Please arrive one hour before the competition.

Audition Process

Competitors will be performing their entire routines for three judges. All performers will be scored using the same system, and the best 20 to 25 acts will advance to the finals.

You may submit a pre-recorded video of your routine upon sign-up, or audition at the convention.

If you choose to audition at the convention, we will contact you near to the convention date to pick a time to that best fits your schedule. If you submit a pre-recorded video, that will be your audition, and you can have more time to enjoy at the con!

Fursuits are required for both video and on-site auditions.


There are two categories - Solo & Group acts.

Show up an hour early

Please show up an hour before showtime.

Eligibility Requirements

All entries must have music for their routine, submitted with your entry form. Sorry, we will not take submissions at the convention.

Your prelim must be your stage performance

What you perform in the preliminaries must be what you intend to perform for the actual show! This allows our prelim judges to make the most informed decision in choosing the best acts for the stage.

Submit your with music your submission form

All entries must have music for their routine, submitted with your entry form. Music selections should be ready to play for your final performance, in .MP3 format, and at least 256kbps. All files must be named: "[Your Fursuit Name].mp3" (For example: "Foxy McBushytail.mp3")

Performance Duration

Fursuiters only.

This is a Fursuit dance competition after all! You need a head, hand paws, foot paws or costume shoes, and a tail to enter. If you choose to wear a partial, please make sure you wear clothes that cover your bare skin!

Be respectful!

You will actually be scored on this. Treat your other competitors with respect, as well as the staff running the competition. If you ever have a disagreement, always discuss it politely; it’s not that serious, after all.

Keep it clean!

Furries of all ages will be watching and listening so make sure the lyrics are radio appropriate. Don’t go overboard with any vulgar content in your performance or there will be heck to pay! HECK!

Have fun!

In the end, remember most of all: This is just for fun! If you don’t get in, don’t get discouraged. We’re all dancers here, and the world is our stage; not just this one. Good luck, and see you out there on the dance floor!

Sick/Nervous Group Member? The show can go on.

Groups who qualify for finals may substitute or drop one individual in finals as long as it affects less than half the group. (ie. a 2 person group must find a substitute in case one person cannot perform, but a 3-person group can either drop or substitute a member.).

Judging Criteria

These are some of the aspects our judges will be looking for; some judges consider different aspects more important than others!



